It is Labor Day Weekend and I really thought I would just relax and take it easy this weekend. I was able to spend time reading and boating. It rained here so I had Sunday inside. I decided to get a jump on my sales and work for the week. I sat down and nothing was on T.V. so I put on a free On Demand movie, Flash of Genius. I had heard of the movie, but no one ever talked about it, and I never thought about it again. A quick synopsis: Inventor (Greg
Kinnear) is driving at night and his windshield wipers do not have any controls. They automatically run, and are disrupting his
impaired vision. He envisions a wiper that runs more like the human eye, and would be less distracting to the driver. After a few prototypes he creates his wiper. I will let you watch the movie, which at times was hard to watch, but inspiring. It shows a many dedicated to what he invented. He has spent his life working on inventions, and knows this is the opportunity for him. He does not give up! He works after work, late into the night to get information completed. He does not allow anyone to tell him he is on the wrong path. He makes sacrifices, and is forced to make hard decisions. I sat there watching and realized this is sales. This is what a salesperson goes through every day. You have the exciting chase, the Yes, and then the work. It does not stop when someone says yes to your product or service. Sales is about Never Giving Up. Creating the best sales presentation and experience for your buyer. Find a product for their needs, not your wallet. I thought the movie gave a real look into the hardships and difficulty sales and business can be. In this economy, which feels like a depression. It is easy to quit, but this shows that
hard work and dedication pay off.
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